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Pros and Cons of Dropshipping in India

Published By Shashiglasses08 May, 2024
Pros and Cons of Dropshipping in India

Have you ever wondered how some online retailers can sell a wide variety of products without actually stocking any inventory themselves? Well, the business model that allows this is called "dropshipping." as we have seen what it means, we will see the Pros and cons of dropshipping in India. 

Furthermore, in a dropshipping business, retailers don't keep products in-house - instead, they partner with wholesale suppliers or manufacturers. Subsequently, when a customer places an order, the dropshipper forwards that customer's shipping information to their third-party supplier. As a result, the supplier packages and ships the product directly to the customer.

5 Hard Truths About Dropshipping

Here are 5 Hard Truths About Dropshipping with subheadings and transition words:


Competition is Fierce: The dropshipping market is saturated with many entrepreneurs selling similar products. Firstly, breaking into this industry and standing out from all the competition is a major challenge. Secondly, it is challenging to attract customers when there are so many choices for buyers to consider.

Customer Service is Crucial: Handling customer service needs myself without the inventory on hand can be stressful. First and foremost, customers expect fast shipping and easy returns, which is hard to guarantee since I rely on suppliers.

Successful Marketing Takes Time and Effort: Promoting products and driving sales without a large advertising budget is challenging. Primarily, accessible traffic sources like social media have become saturated too and take more work, earning visibility. Secondly, paid ads require testing different audiences and refining campaigns to find what works best.

High Failure Rate for Beginners: Given the challenges, research shows over half of new dropshipping stores close within the first six months. Foremost, inexperience with online business, marketing, and logistics can lead to many new mistakes.

Moreover, without guidance from experienced dropshippers, it's easy to make flawed assumptions about how simple this business model is. In addition, bad sales and cash flow prevent fledgling stores from running out of funds before gaining traction.

Dropshipping Requires Commitment: While the model promises flexibility, easy startup, and passive income potential, success is only guaranteed with dedication. Primarily, time, effort, and learning are essential elements. Moreover, resilience through failed experiments and setbacks is necessary while building the business.

In summary, those willing to invest themselves wholeheartedly over the long-term have a better chance of profiting from dropshipping compared to trend hoppers looking for a quick money-maker. Here are the pros and cons of dropshipping business model presented in a table format:

Pros Cons
Low startup costs - No need to keep inventory or handle logistics. Limited control over shipping timelines and product quality since relying on suppliers.
Minimal overhead - Work can be managed from home with a basic computer/internet. Fulfilling customer orders depends on reliable suppliers, maintaining stock, and delivering on time.
Scalable with low risk - Business can be scaled up without major capital investment. High competition with many other dropshippers selling similar products.
Access to large product selections through suppliers maintaining inventory. Responsible for providing customer service even without holding inventory.
Flexible working hours - Work can be managed around other commitments. Payment terms with suppliers can delay receiving revenue from sales.
Easy to launch an online store with platforms like commrz. Supplier contract terms can change, affecting the business model.

The Pros of Dropshipping in India

Some clear advantages of using a dropshipping model in India include the following:

Low startup costs: Without inventory costs, there's very little overhead to get your online store launched. Consequently, you only need a product sourcing plan, web hosting, and paid ads. Likewise, this minimal investment makes dropshipping a tremendous, low-risk option for entrepreneurs in India to test business ideas. As a result, dropshipping presents a beautiful opportunity for testing concepts with minimal financial risk.

Scalability: Since your suppliers handle fulfillment, you can promote and sell as many products as your suppliers offer without limitation. As orders increase, you simply forward more to your suppliers - you don't need to hire fulfillment staff or expand a warehouse. This scalability allows for potential explosive growth.

Focus on marketing: Since your suppliers handle fulfillment, you can promote and sell as many products as your suppliers offer without limitation. Similarly, as orders increase, you simply forward more to your suppliers - you don't need to hire fulfillment staff or expand a warehouse.

Correspondingly, this scalability allows for potential explosive growth. Notably, the hands-off model permits escalating sales volumes without major operational hurdles.


Global opportunities: Dropshipping opens up your potential customer base beyond just India. Concurrently, since orders ship directly from the supplier, you can sell to customers worldwide at lower costs than importing inventory first. Indeed, global exposure multiplies your potential profits.

Fundamentally, accessing international audiences leverages the efficient fulfillment model to magnify sales opportunities. Those are some substantial advantages, right? But as with any business model, dropshipping has downsides, too. Let's explore those next.

The Cons of Dropshipping in India

Shipping delays: Relying on a third party to fulfill orders means shipping takes longer than handling fulfillment yourself. Customers often expect faster delivery, so long transit times could hurt your brand perception and repeat sales. 

Limited control: When suppliers handle fulfillment, you need to gain control over critical aspects like inventory availability, order accuracy, and shipping updates. Supply chain snags or delivery delays need to be put in your hands. Dependence on suppliers for fulfillment can introduce risk.

Price competitiveness: To stay competitive on popular marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart, you'll likely need to keep prices low. But wholesalers may not offer the deep discounts needed to outprice rivals. High supplier costs could squeeze your margins.

Customer service challenges: With products and order tracking beyond your reach, providing the personalized service experience customers want takes a lot of work.

Resolving issues requires coordination through multiple third parties instead of direct handling. This difficulty with customer support can damage your brand.


Low barriers to entry: Because starting costs are so low, dropshipping attracts many entrepreneurs, leading to intense competition. It's harder to stand out or build a loyal following when customers have endless similar options just one click away. Those are some real risks and limitations to consider. How do you decide if dropshipping is right for your business?

Is Dropshipping Right for Your Business?

Let's summarize the key factors:
  • Goals - Dropshipping excels for testing product-market fit and gaining experience. But if brand loyalty or control over operations is essential, it may not suit your long-term ambitions.
  • Competition - Heavily competitive categories require more differentiation. But niche products offer a better chance to carve out space as a trusted supplier.
  • Operating costs - Low-cost supplier fulfillment is ideal if profit margins are tight. However, high-service industries may need warehouse infrastructure for quality assurance.
  • Risk tolerance - Dependence on suppliers increases risk from supply issues or delays. More risk-averse entrepreneurs may prefer direct order handling.
  • Support needs - Can customers self-serve, or do they require hand-holding? Complex support diminishes the hands-off appeal of dropshipping.
For many startups, dropshipping provides a low-risk testing ground. However, the model is only suitable for some entrepreneurs or business types in the long term. Carefully weigh your goals' pros, cons, and 'fit' before entirely committing to a dropshipping approach. With insight into your situation, you can choose that optimizes your opportunity for success.

Start dropshipping with commrz

Here are some critical points about starting a dropshipping business with Commrz Website builder :


As the first step, create your Commrz merchant account to set up your online storefront. Commrz offers a simple and easy registration process to get started quickly.

Once registered, you can choose from thousands of high-quality products across various categories like consumer electronics, home & kitchen, toys, books, and more already listed in the Commrz supplier network. This comprehensive product selection saves beginners the hassle of finding reliable suppliers.

Commrz integrates seamlessly with popular shopping cart platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento. You can easily import products from Commrz into your online store with just a few clicks.

This handles the critical task of syncing inventory and orders between your site and suppliers. Their advanced order management system handles order fulfillment - from order placement with suppliers to shipment tracking and delivery. This eliminates the need for you to deal with logistics yourself. Commrz handles the entire fulfillment process behind the scenes.

Commrz also has the tools and features to help market your store effectively. You can connect your social media pages, run campaigns, issue coupons, and track performance data to improve conversions over time. Starting your dropshipping business with Commrz provides many benefits, such as easy setup, a wide selection of quality products, and complete order handling.

With their end-to-end solution, you can focus on driving sales through marketing while they handle the operations. I'd recommend trying Commrz to kickstart your dropshipping business with minimum hassle.

How to Create Your Own Website on commrz

Are you a business owner waiting to unlock your online potential? As India’s leading digital marketplace commrz is ready to help you establish an engaging online presence without any hassles.

In just 5 simple steps, you can start selling to customers across India:

  1. Sign Up: Visit;and enter your details to register for a free seller account.
  2. Create Your Storefront: Choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates and customize them with your logo, colors, products, etc.
  3. List Your Inventory: Use our easy upload tool to add photos and details of each product/service you offer.
  4. Accept Payments: commrz;seamlessly integrates popular payment gateways for safe, secure transactions.
  5. Start Selling: Once live, your store can be found via search and promoted using our marketing tools.

From there, seamlessly manage orders, shipments, customer queries and analytics – all within your commrz dashboard.

Similarly, the builder grants absolute control over websites through its user-friendly interface.

Conclusion for Pros and cons of dropshipping in India

In summary, dropshipping presents some clear advantages for entrepreneurs in India, such as low startup costs, scalability, and access to global markets. However, the model also poses risks from fulfillment delays, limited control over operations, and heavy competition. For many newcomers, dropshipping provides an affordable way to test business concepts and refine strategy.

Yet entrepreneurs must carefully consider factors like their tolerance for supply chain risks, customers' service needs, and competitiveness of targeted product niches.

By understanding both pros and cons, business owners can make informed choices about whether dropshipping is the right long-term approach or simply a stepping stone to explore different models in the future. An objective evaluation of opportunities and challenges will help shape the path to success.

Here are a few commonly asked questions about dropshipping in India:

Q: What's the downside of dropshipping?

A: The biggest challenge with dropshipping is that you are relying entirely on your suppliers to fulfill customer orders on your behalf. Since you don't hold any inventory, delays or mistakes at the supplier's end directly impact your business.

Q: Is dropshipping good for beginners?

A: Dropshipping is a great way for new and experienced entrepreneurs to make money. 

Q: Is dropshipping legal and regulated in India?

A: Online retail using a dropshipping model is legal in India, though specific product categories may pose compliance issues. You are responsible for ensuring suppliers follow all regulations regarding customs, taxes, product safety, etc.

Q: What is the success rate of dropshipping?

A: While there are no official figures, industry experts estimate that around 10-20% of dropshipping businesses succeed.

Q: How much money can I make with dropshipping?

A: Earnings vary greatly depending on your effort, products, marketing skills, and competition in your niche. With optimization, some dedicated dropshippers in India make a full-time living or create seven-figure businesses annually. Consistent testing and improvement are crucial to maximizing profits.

Q. Do I need GST for dropshipping? 

A. Rate of GST For Dropshipping The commission earned by the merchant shall be liable to GST@18%. Dropshippers earn income in India; hence, they shall be responsible for the income tax.

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