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Difference Between Web Hosting and Web Publishing

Published By Priyanka glasses02 May, 2024
Difference Between Web Hosting and Web Publishing

Web hosting provides space on a server to store a website, while web publishing involves uploading original content on the internet.

 In this blog post, We Have Discussed the difference between web hosting and web publishing. Web hosting and web publishing are two integral services involved in launching websites online.

The distinction between web hosting and web publishing lies within the processes involved in bringing a website concept to life and maintaining its visibility online.

Web Hosting

Web hosting refers to storing, testing, and maintaining files, websites, web applications, and services on a server connected to the internet.

Specifically, a web hosting service provides the necessary software and hardware infrastructure required for a website to be visible on the Internet.

Additionally, it offers server space and bandwidth to maintain a website and delivers it to visitors when requested.

Similarly, web hosting companies lease server space to store websites and related files so they are publicly available. Likewise, they manage the servers and are responsible for keeping the website online.

web hosting


  • Provides server infrastructure, hardware, and software to store and serve websites.
  • Offers server space, bandwidth, and maintenance services.
  • Leases server space and manages technical aspects related to keeping websites operational.
  • Responsible for ensuring the security, speed, and uptime of hosted websites.
  • Example providers: Bluehost, HostGator, GoDaddy, etc.
  • Prerequisite for any website to go live online.
  • A paid service for renting hosting resources.

Web Publishing

Web publishing refers to the process of making a website accessible online. It involves uploading website content and files to a web hosting server.

Web publishing work includes designing the website, creating and organizing content, integrating features and plugins, and testing functionality.

Once all the content and coding are ready, a web publisher uploads the files to the live server space provided by the web hosting company.

This makes the website publicly available at its domain address. The key difference between web hosting and web publishing is - web hosting provides the server infrastructure to host a website, while web publishing focuses on developing and uploading the website content and making it live online.

Web hosting is a prerequisite for web publishing as it offers the server space and bandwidth required to publish the website. So in summary, web hosting is the infrastructure, and web publishing is the process of content development and deployment on that hosted platform.

web publishing


  • Focuses on visual design, interactivity, and user experience of published websites.
  • Includes activities like content creation, organization, coding, integration, and testing.
  • It does not come with prebuilt websites but instead allows for customized development.
  • May utilize readymade themes and enable one-click installations of platforms like WordPress.
  • Limited to specific platforms like WordPress and approved themes and plugins.
  • The main goal is to communicate ideas and concepts between people.

Difference between web hosting and web publishing

Sno. Web Hosting Web Publishing
1. Provides server infrastructure, hardware, and software to store and serve websites. It involves developing website content, designing pages, and adding features and functionality.
2. Offers server space, bandwidth, and maintenance of websites. Comprises activities like content creation, organization, coding, integration, and testing.
3. Leases server space and handles technical tasks of keeping websites online. Uploads developed website files and content to live server space provided by web host.
4. Responsible for the security, speed, and uptime of hosted websites. Focuses on visual design, interactivity, and user experience of published websites.
5. Example providers - Bluehost, HostGator, GoDaddy, etc. Web designers, developers, agencies, etc can publish websites.
6. Prerequisite for any website to go live online. Process of deploying finished website content on web hosting platform.
7. Paid service for renting hosting resources. Paid service to design, build, and launch websites online.

Web Publishing Platforms

The following are a few of the most widely used web publishing platforms:

  1. WordPress - WordPress is an open-source CMS that notably allows non-technical users to build and manage dynamic websites. Furthermore, it has a huge library of themes and plugins available. Consequently, WordPress powers over 35% of websites globally due to these advantages.
  2. Wix - An all-in-one website builder platform that offers hundreds of designer-made templates. It has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating responsive sites without code.
  3. Squarespace - Known for its beautifully designed templates optimized for creatives like photographers, artists, etc. It offers e-commerce tools and marketing features in premium plans.
  4. Weebly - A popular website builder for creating fast, mobile-friendly sites. It provides tools for e-commerce, booking, forms, and analytics without programming.
  5. Drupal - A flexible, powerful CMS preferred by developers to build complex, database-driven sites. It has high extensibility through custom modules and themes.
  6. Joomla - Another open-source CMS used to create feature-rich sites. It offers capabilities like user access control, tagging, social media integration, etc.
  7. Shopify - Made for online stores, it allows merchants to create elegant online shops with all e-commerce essentials baked in. So in summary, platforms like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly are widely used by non-tech users while Drupal and Joomla require some technical skills.

Web Hosting Platforms

Below are some of the most popular web hosting platforms:

  1. Bluehost:  A reliable and affordable hosting provider especially suitable for beginners. It offers shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting plans along with excellent 24/7 customer support.
  2. HostGator:  Provides quality hosting services at low prices and features cPanel for easy site-building and management. Their Baby hosting plan is ideal for personal blogs and basic sites.
  3. GoDaddy:  A reputed domain registrar that also offers various hosting solutions including shared, VPS, dedicated, and WordPress-optimized plans. Simplifies site building with one-click installs.
  4. SiteGround:  Known for fast loading speeds, daily backups, and top-notch customer service. Their shared hosting plans offer free SSL and a CDN for optimal security and performance.
  5. InMotion: Provides reliable and feature-rich shared hosting along with VPS and dedicated servers. Excellent uptime and dedicated account managers make it a trustworthy choice.
  6. A2 Hosting: An eco-friendly company with high-performing hosting servers backed by advanced support. Shared plans are very cost-effective for simple usage needs.
  7. DreamHost: A popular hosting company that offers shared, VPS, cloud, and dedicated hosting. Their $2.59/month DreamPress shared plan includes free SSL and is suitable for WordPress blogs.
  8. Hostinger: Affordable hosting solutions with simple GUIs and regular backups. Ideal for new websites and portfolios seeking reliable and cheap hosting. So in summary, the aforementioned are some top web hosting brands for various budgets and site requirements.

Create a website without traditional web hosting

One such platform is Commrz, which provides an easy-to-use CMS  website builder that empowers anyone to create professional-looking websites without writing any code or configuring hosting accounts.

 website without web hosting

With Commrz, you get pre-built page templates, design elements, and multimedia objects to work with visually. Once complete, your Commrz website is instantly deployed and accessible online without the maintenance burdens normally associated with hosting.

Commrz handles all the backend server-side elements for you automatically through its content delivery network (CDN). This makes your site readily shareable with a unique URL.

In addition, Commrz offers unlimited storage, bandwidth, and intuitive management tools so you can focus solely on content without technical obstacles. You also get built-in e-commerce capabilities if you want to sell products and services directly from your site.

Best of all, using a platform like Commrz means you don't have to pay recurring hosting fees. They generate revenue through optional premium upgrades and services only.

For many users, tools that eliminate web hosting complexities are far more appealing than the traditional host-it-yourself approach.

In summary, if ease of use is a higher priority than full DIY control, then a hosting-free builder such as Commrz can be perfect for assembling an initial online presence quickly and painlessly.


This blog post explains the differences between web hosting and web publishing.

Web hosting refers to the storage, testing, and maintenance of files, websites, web applications, and services on a server connected to the internet.

On the other hand, web publishing involves developing website content, designing pages, and adding features and functionality.

The blog also provides a list of the top web hosting and web publishing platforms, including Hostinger, Bluehost, SiteGround, WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly.

The article emphasizes the importance of selecting the right web hosting provider for the success of a website and provides tips for choosing an effective domain name.

Finally, the blog explains how to create a website without traditional web hosting using platforms like Commrz.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the difference between hosting and publishing?

Ans. Hosting refers to making a website's files accessible on a server for online viewing, while publishing involves uploading content or code to be hosted.

Q.2 What are web hosting and publishing concepts?

Ans. Web hosting provides a platform to store and serve your site's files online, whereas publishing entails uploading content or code to that hosted environment.

Q.3 What is the difference between a web server and web hosting?

Ans. A web server is the software that handles requests and serves web pages, while web hosting refers to the service that provides server space for hosting websites.  

Q.4 What is the difference between hosting and a website?

Ans. Hosting is the service of providing storage and accessibility for a website's files, while a website itself consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc., which are hosted.

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